Welcome to the Solveco Group

We created the Solveco Group with the environment in mind. The place and time in which we live require responsibility and action to ensure a green future for future generations. To keep the planet clean, we have developed and implemented technologies that allow you to enjoy clean air and a well-functioning natural environment. Our team of experts has been dealing with recycling and ecological processes for several decades. We advise and solve problems related to human-generated waste. Thanks to technology, we minimize the impact of waste on the environment. We have the only soda lye purification installation in Europe, thanks to which companies using it in their production processes can use soda lye many times, which significantly affects the optimization of costs and significantly contributes to the improvement of the world in which we live.

Solveco Group. Make The World Clean Again!

Solveco Group has branches in Germany, Spain, Albania and Turkey

Our history

The company's history began in 1995. The company started its activity as a trading company with an office in Warsaw. The initial strategy was to import goods from beyond the western border and sell them domestically, and export to the east. The first step in development was the lease in 1998 of a production plant at the Blachownia Chemical Plant in Kędzierzyn-Koźle. This allowed for the storage of goods as well as the first production of solvents. In 2007, the company purchased from Petrochemia-Blachownia S.A. leased production plant. A year later, installations for the storage and blending of solvents and filling stations for road tankers were launched. An installation for the processing of solvent waste and used cooling fluids has been launched as a pilot. The work was started by a research and development laboratory. In 2008, Solveco obtained several environmental permits for both the current operation of the plant and permits enabling it to start operating as waste management and processing plant. 

For the purchase and modernization of the production plant in Kędzierzyn-Koźle, the company received co-financing from EU funds under the Sectoral Operational Program Increase of the Competitiveness of Enterprises. The next years of operation were the expansion of the Blachownia Plant and the expansion of the Company's raw material and product base. Adaptation and expansion of installations, increasing production capacity in the areas of waste management and processing, as well as distillation, rectification, and solvent purification. These investments were co-financed by the European Union under the Innovative Economy Operational Program. 

In 2019, Solveco started building an installation structure for the processing and recovery of soda lye and halogenated solvents. The set of installations has passed all tests and was put into operation in September 2021. 

Since 2020, Solveco has been active in the European Union, successfully participating in many public tenders. At the end of October 2021, the company completed the disposal of one of the largest "ecological bombs" in Poland, located in Mysłowice. Thanks to the experience gained over the years, Solveco transported and neutralized hazardous waste in the amount of 4,800 tons. 

In 2020, the company successfully passed the ISO certification process and received the ISO 14001: 2015 certificate in the field of distillation and mixing of solvents.

ISO 9001: 2015 certificate

Solveco sp.z o.o. in 2023, it successfully passed the ISO certification process and received the ISO 9001: 2015 certificate in the field of distillation and mixing of solvents.

We specialize in

Disposal of ecological bombs

Soda lye recycling

Recycling of halogens

We operate on the basis of the PZ decision no. DOŚ.7222.152.2014.HM issued by the Marshal of the Opolskie Voivodeship and decision no. SR.6233.45.1.2014 issued by the Starost of Kędzierzyńsko-Kozielski.

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